Content Creation has never been easier than in today’s era, especially from the last two years, when the likes of ChatGPT arrived onto the scene. Now AI is proliferating in ways that were only dreamt of before. Content is mainly served to provide information to the targeted audiences but it can also be used to influence people’ decision-making through disinformation.

No one can deny that we all have our likings, dislikings, ideologies and belief systems. Content that aligns with our belief parameters often receives our support and shares. But there are people who resort to promoting propaganda in order to portray their representatives in a positive light.

Promoting propaganda has always existed but surged with the arrival of social media. And now with AI, it has gained a lot of potency, especially with artificially generated videos and deepfakes. You may not believe but AI generated propaganda is as effective as the original propaganda as per a study.

Why it is crucial to identify AI-made Propaganda?

Content creation can be a boon if made for the right purpose. However, false information generated with AI can easily lead to the infleuncing of public opinion on a larger scale that can undermine the decision making and democratic process.

Secondly, propaganda built from AI can erode the trust of the common man in the artificial intelligence technology. Identifying AI propaganda is an effective way to preserve the credibility & beneficial applications of AI.

We live in a world where inaccurate and inciteful information travels at a faster rate than truthful and non-biased information. By identifying AI Propaganda content, real-world harm can be prevented.

3 Ways to Identify AI Generated Video Promoting Propaganda

1. Using Reverse Image:- With the help of Google Image search, you can search the source of any image. Its a very effective way of finding out the other domains where that same image is posted. If you suspect a propaganda video made with AI, pause it and check for mutiple frames on google search. If you find no image exactly similar to them, chances are that the video is generated by AI.

    2. Lack of emotional depth talking about the severity of the situation: – Ever heard of a news in the form of AI Audio? These days you can find many news website providing post information in the audio format also. While the accent and pronunciation is near to perfect, they often lack the emotional depth of the word when spoken.

    AI audio generation still has not reached the level where it reflects the gravity of an incidence. If you observe lack of emotional inflection or subtle nuances in speech, chances are that the audio is AI generated.

    3. Unnatural facial expressions and unsynced audio – Just like with any propaganda video, AI videos made for such intent shows extreme graphics that portrays one party in a very bad light. The facial expressions may not seem natural and the audio may not appear synced with the video.


    AI is a boon that can help with right decision-making in congruence with facts. By identifying AI generated propaganda, the spread of disinformation can be prevented to a great extent.